New things coming from JW Design. Taking cocktails to an all new level. Get yours soon!
Finally decided to make some wood mallets. Although these are primarily decorative they are fully functional.

Pizza peels! Get yours while they last. This one’s headed to California. In stock and can build custom.

Custom engraving and artwork. Here is a peel done for a local bakery. On a personal note the pizza crusts they make are phenomenal!

Finished this board for a very special person the other day. To whomever you are….thank you for your service and I hope you enjoy!

Using up some scraps today. Do you find these interesting? Don’t hesitate to reach out if you are interested in a custom set for yourself!

Restoring a family heirloom. The wood was actually rather pretty once all the cracks, and imperfections were repaired. The Rubio coat will keep it looking great for another 70 years! My mother sat on this stool with my grandmother in her Uncles bar. The Village Inn, Poy Sippi WI. That was in the 1950’s. It will now reside in my shop where it will continue to get utilized.

I have one more similar to this left. I can personalize.